Columbia Courses (2019--present)
- CSOR 4231, Analysis of Algorithms I: Fall '23
- COMS 4995, Randomized Algorithms:
Fall '19
- COMS 4995, Incentives in Computer Science:
Spring '20
- COMS 4995, The Science of Blockchains, Spring '25
- COMS 6998: Foundations of Blockchains: Fall '20, Fall '21
Stanford Courses (2004--2018)
CS161, Design and Analysis of Algorithms. (Taught countless times, see here for current offering.)
- CS167, Readings in Algorithms:
Spring '14,
Spring '16.
- CS168, The Modern Algorithmic Toolbox (with Greg Valiant):
Spring '15, Spring '16,
Spring '17 (with lecture notes).
- CS261, A Second Course in Algorithms:
Spring '15,
Winter '16 (with lecture notes and videos).
CS264 (previously CS369N), Beyond Worst-Case Analysis:
Fall '09,
Fall '11,
Fall '14 (with lecture notes and videos),
Winter '17 (with lecture notes).
CS269I, Incentives in Computer Science:
Fall '16 (with lecture notes),
Fall '18.
- CS359D, Hardness of Approximation:
Winter '07.
CS364A, Algorithmic Game Theory:
Fall '04,
Fall '06,
Fall '08,
Winter '11,
Fall '13 (with lecture notes and videos).
Topics in Algorithmic Game Theory (with Jason Hartline):
Fall '05 (with lecture notes)
Foundations of Sponsored Search:
Fall '07
- Frontiers in Mechanism Design:
Winter '14 (with lecture notes and videos).
- CS369B, Advanced Graph Algorithms:
Winter '08.
- CS369C, Metric Embeddings and Algorithmic Applications:
Winter '06.
- CS369E, Communication Complexity (for Algorithm Designers):
Winter '15 (with lecture notes).