See also DBLP for further bibliographic information.
- J. Milionis, J. Ernstberger, J. Bonneau,
S. D. Kominers, and T. Roughgarden, Incentive-Compatible Recovery from Manipulated Signals,
with Applications to Decentralized Physical Infrastructure.
- A. Lewis-Pye and T. Roughgarden, Beyond Optimal Fault Tolerance.
- J. Komatovic, J. Neu, and, T. Roughgarden, Toward Optimal-Complexity Hash-Based
Asynchronous MVBA with Optimal Resilience.
- A. Komo, S. D. Kominers, and, T. Roughgarden, Shill-Proof Auctions. (Tweetstorm (in PDF))
- A. Lewis-Pye and T. Roughgarden, Permissionless Consensus. (Recursive tweetstorm (in PDF)) (45-minute and two-hour tutorials by Andy)
- M. Bahrani, P. Garimidi, and T. Roughgarden, Transaction Fee Mechanism Design in a Post-MEV World, AFT '24. (Tweetstorm ((in PDF)) (a16z blog post) (Related talk by Pranav)
- E. Budish, A. Lewis-Pye, and T. Roughgarden, The Economic Limits of Permissionless Consensus, EC '24. (Tweetstorm (in PDF))
- H. Chung, T. Roughgarden, and E. Shi, Collusion-Resilience in Transaction Fee Mechanism Design, EC '24. (Tweetstorm (in PDF)) (Hao's talk)
- W. Brown, C. H. Papadimitriou, and T. Roughgarden, Online Stackelberg Optimization via Nonlinear Control, COLT '24.
- M. Bahrani, P. Garimidi, and T. Roughgarden, Centralization in Block Building and Proposer-Builder Separation, FC '24. (Pranav's tweetstorm (in PDF)) (Pranav's talk)
- J. Milionis, C. C. Moallemi, and T. Roughgarden, Automated Market Making and Arbitrage Profits
in the Presence of Fees, FC '24. (Talk by Ciamac) (Ciamac's tweetstorm (in PDF))
- J. Milionis, C. C. Moallemi, and T. Roughgarden, A Myersonian Framework for Optimal Liquidity Provision in Automated Market Makers, ITCS '24. (Jason's talk)
- D. R. Graham, K. Leyton-Brown, and T. Roughgarden, Utilitarian Algorithm Configuration, NeurIPS '23. (Devon's talk)
- E. Neyman and T. Roughgarden, No-Regret Learning with Unbounded Losses: The Case of Logarithmic Pooling, NeurIPS '23. (Eric's talk) (Related talk by Tim)
- M. Bahrani, P. Garimidi, and T. Roughgarden, When Bidders Are DAOs, AFT '23. (Pranav's talk) (Pranav's tweetstorm (in PDF))
- D. R. Graham, K. Leyton-Brown, and T. Roughgarden, Formalizing Preferences Over Runtime Distributions, ICML '23. (Devon's talk) (Talk by Kevin)
- J. Milionis, C. C. Moallemi, and T. Roughgarden, Complexity-Approximation Trade-offs in Exchange Mechanisms: AMMs vs. LOBs, FC '23. (Jason's tweetstorm (in PDF))
(Related talk)
- A. Lewis-Pye and T. Roughgarden, Byzantine Generals in the Permissionless Setting, FC '23. (Related talks by Andy Tim)
- J. Milionis, C. C. Moallemi, T. Roughgarden, and A. L. Zhang, Automated Market Making and Loss-Versus-Rebalancing, full version of abstract presented at DeFi@CCS '22.
- E. Neyman and T. Roughgarden, Are You Smarter Than a Random Expert? The Robust Aggregation of Substitutable Signals, EC '22. (Eric's talk)
- E. Neyman and T. Roughgarden, Strictly Proper Contract Functions Can Be
Arbitrage-Free, AAAI '22.
- B. Behera, E. Husic, S. Jain, T. Roughgarden, and
C. Seshadhri, FPT Algorithms for Finding Near-Cliques in c-Closed Graphs, ITCS '22.
(Related talk)
- N. Haghtalab, T. Roughgarden, and A. Shetty, Smoothed Analysis with Adaptive Adversaries, FOCS '21/JACM '24. (Related talk) (Abhishek's talk)
- A. Lewis-Pye and T. Roughgarden, How Does Blockchain Security Dictate Blockchain Implementation?, CCS '21. (Andy's talk) (Related talk by Tim) (Related tweetstorm (in PDF))
- E. Neyman and T. Roughgarden, From Proper Scoring Rules to Max-Min Optimal
Forecast Aggregation, EC '21/OR '23. (Talk by Eric) (Related talk by Tim)
- T. Roughgarden, Transaction Fee Mechanism Design, EC '21/JACM '24. (SIGecom Exchanges version) (60-minute talk) (30-minute talk)
- T. Roughgarden and C. Shikhelman, Ignore the Extra Zeroes:
Variance-Optimal Mining Pools, FC '21. (Clara's talk)
- T. Roughgarden, Transaction Fee Mechanism Design for the Ethereum Blockchain: An Economic Analysis of EIP-1559, December 2020. (Tweetstorm (in PDF)) (Ethereum meetup talk and Epicenter podcast)
- N. Haghtalab, T. Roughgarden, and A. Shetty, Smoothed Analysis of Online and Differentially Private Learning, NeurIPS '20. (Nika's talk)
- R. Gupta and T. Roughgarden, Data-Driven Algorithm Design,
Communications of the ACM, June 2020. ("Research highlights" version of the ITCS '16 paper below.) (Talk)
- P. Duetting, T. Roughgarden, and I. Talgam-Cohen,
The Complexity of Contracts, SODA '20/SICOMP '21. (Related tutorial by Paul and Inbal)
- T. Roughgarden and C. Seshadhri,
Distribution-Free Models of Social Networks, Chapter 28
in Beyond the Worst-Case Analysis of Algorithms. (Related talk)
- T. Roughgarden,
Distributional Analysis, Chapter 8
in Beyond the Worst-Case Analysis of Algorithms.
- T. Roughgarden,
Resource Augmentation, Chapter 4
in Beyond the Worst-Case Analysis of Algorithms. (Related lecture)
- T. Roughgarden,
Introduction (to Beyond Worst-Case Analysis), Chapter 1
in Beyond the Worst-Case Analysis of Algorithms. (Related course)
- T. Roughgarden,
Complexity Theory, Game Theory, and Economics (The Barbados Lectures), Foundations and Trends in TCS. (Preprint)
- X. Chen, C. Papadimitriou, and T. Roughgarden,
An Axiomatic Approach to Block Rewards, AFT '19. (Related talk)
- P. Duetting, T. Roughgarden, and I. Talgam-Cohen,
Simple versus Optimal Contracts, EC '19. (Talk by Inbal) (Related tutorial by Paul and Inbal)
- V. Chatziafratis, T. Roughgarden, and J. R. Wang,
On the Computational Power of Online Gradient Descent, COLT '19. (Talk by Vaggos)
- T. Roughgarden, Complexity-Theoretic Barriers in Economics, The Future of Economic Design. (Related talk)
- T. Roughgarden and I. Talgam-Cohen, Approximately Optimal Mechanism Design, Annual Reviews of Economics.
- T. Roughgarden, Beyond Worst-Case Analysis, Communications of the ACM. (Related course)
- G. Barmpalias, N. Huang, A. Lewis-Pye, A. Li, X. Li, Y. Pan, and T. Roughgarden, The Idemetric Property: When Most Distances Are (Almost) the Same, Proceedings of the Royal Society A.
- B. Plaut and T. Roughgarden,
Communication Complexity of Discrete Fair Division, SODA '19/SICOMP '20. (Related talk)
- R. Niazadeh, T. Roughgarden, and J. R. Wang,
Optimal Algorithms for Continuous Non-monotone Submodular
and DR-Submodular Maximization, NeurIPS '18/JMLR '20.
- T. Ezra, M. Feldman, T. Roughgarden, and W. Suksompong,
Pricing Identical Items, WINE '18/TEAC '20.
- J. Fox, T. Roughgarden, C. Seshadhri, F. Wei, and N. Wein,
Finding Cliques in Social Networks: A New Distribution-Free Model, ICALP '18/SICOMP '20. (Related talk)
- T. Roughgarden and J. R. Wang,
An Optimal Algorithm for Online Unconstrained Submodular Maximization, COLT '18. (Related talk)
- B. Plaut and T. Roughgarden,
Almost Envy-Freeness with General Valuations, SODA '18/SIDMA '20. (Related talk)
- T. Roughgarden and O. Schrijvers, Online Prediction with Selfish Experts, NIPS '17. (Talk by Okke)
- V. Chatziafratis, T. Roughgarden, and J. Vondrak,
Stability and Recovery for Independence Systems, ESA '17.
- T. Roughgarden, I. Talgam-Cohen, and J. Vondrak,
When Are Welfare Guarantees Robust?, APPROX '17.
- V. Gkatzelis, E. Markakis, and T. Roughgarden, Deferred-Acceptance Auctions for Multiple Levels of Service, EC '17. (Talk by Vasilis)
- R. Colini-Baldeschi, P. Goldberg, B. de Keijzer, S. Leonardi, T. Roughgarden, and S. Turchetta,
Approximately Efficient Two-Sided Combinatorial Auctions, EC '17. (Talk by Stefano T)
- T. Roughgarden, V. Syrgkanis, and E. Tardos,
The Price of
Anarchy in Auctions (survey), Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. (Related talk)
- Y. Chen, A. Ghosh, M. Kearns, T. Roughgarden, and J. Wortman Vaughan, Mathematical Foundations for Social Computing, Communications of the ACM, December 2016.
- T. Roughgarden and O. Weinstein,
On the Communication
Complexity of Approximate Fixed Points, FOCS '16.
(Talk by Omri)
- T. Roughgarden and J. R. Wang,
The Complexity of the k-Means Method, ESA '16.
- T. Roughgarden and O. Schrijvers,
Ironing in the Dark
, EC '16.
- T. Roughgarden and J. R. Wang,
Minimizing Regret with Multiple Reserves, EC '16/TEAC '19.
- T. Roughgarden, S. Vassilvitskii, and J. R. Wang,
Shuffles and Circuits
(On Lower Bounds for Modern Parallel Computation),
SPAA '16/JACM '18.
- J. Morgenstern and T. Roughgarden,
Learning Simple
Auctions, COLT '16. (Jamie's talk)
- M. Feldman, N. Immorlica, B. Lucier, T. Roughgarden,
and V. Syrgkanis,
The Price of Anarchy in
Large Games, STOC '16.
(Related talk by Brendan)
- T. Roughgarden,
Communication Complexity (for Algorithm Designers), Foundations and
Trends in TCS. (arXiv version)
- O. Schrijvers, J. Bonneau, D. Boneh, and T. Roughgarden,
Incentive Compatibility of
Bitcoin Mining Pool Reward Functions, FC '16.
- R. Gupta and T. Roughgarden,
A PAC Approach to Application-Specific Algorithm Selection, ITCS '16/SICOMP '17.
- J. Morgenstern and T. Roughgarden,
The Pseudo-Dimension of
Near-Optimal Auctions, NIPS '15.
(Related talk)
- A. Globerson, T. Roughgarden, D. Sontag, and C. Yildirim,
How Hard Is Inference for Structured Prediction?
, ICML '15.
(longer arXiv version)
- T. Roughgarden and I. Talgam-Cohen,
Why Prices
Need Algorithms, EC '15.
- P. Gopalan, N. Nisan, and T. Roughgarden,
Public Projects, Boolean
Functions, and the Borders of Border's Theorem,
EC '15/TEAC '18.
(Talk by Noam)
- Z. Huang, Y. Mansour, and T. Roughgarden,
Making the Most of Your
Samples, EC '15/SICOMP '18.
- V. Gkatzelis, K. Kollias, and T. Roughgarden,
Optimal Cost-Sharing in General Resource Selection
WINE '14/OR '16.
- T. Roughgarden,
Approximately Optimal Mechanism Design: Motivation, Examples, and Lessons Learned,
SIGEcom Exchanges, 2014.
- T. Roughgarden,
Barriers to Near-Optimal Equilibria,
'14. FOCS
- T. Roughgarden and O. Schrijvers,
Network Cost-Sharing without Anonymity,
SAGT '14/TEAC '16.
- J. Hsu, A. Roth, T. Roughgarden, and J. Ullman,
Privately Solving Linear Programs,
ICALP '14.
- P. Duetting, V. Gkatzelis, and T. Roughgarden,
The Performance of Deferred-Acceptance Auctions,
EC '14/MOR '17.
- P. Duetting, T. Roughgarden, and I. Talgam-Cohen,
Modularity and Greed in Double Auctions,
EC '14/GEB '17.
- J. Hsu, Z. Huang, A. Roth, T. Roughgarden, and Z. S. Wu,
Private Matchings and Allocations,
STOC '14/SICOMP '16.
- R. Cole and T. Roughgarden,
The Sample Complexity of Revenue Maximization,
STOC '14.
- R. Gupta, T. Roughgarden, and C. Seshadhri,
Decompositions of Triangle-Dense Graphs,
ITCS '14/SICOMP '16.
(Lecture notes)
(Related talk)
T. Roughgarden and M. Kearns,
Marginals-to-Models Reducibility,
NIPS '13.
T. Roughgarden and I. Talgam-Cohen,
Optimal and Near-Optimal
Mechanism Design with Interdependent Values, EC '13/TEAC '16.
(Talk by Inbal)
S. Bhattacharya, E. Koutsoupias, J. Kulkarni, S. Leonardi, T. Roughgarden,
and X. Xu,
Prior-Free Multi-Unit Auctions with Ordered Bidders, EC '13 (full version, combined with STOC '12 paper, as of May '14).
- K. Bhawalkar and T. Roughgarden,
Simultaneous Single-Item Auctions, WINE '12.
- K. Bhawalkar, J. Kleinberg, K. Lewi, T. Roughgarden, and A. Sharma,
Preventing Unraveling in Social Networks: The Anchored k-Core Problem, ICALP '12/SIDMA '15.
- T. Roughgarden, Intrinsic
Robustness of the Price of Anarchy,
Communications of the ACM, July 2012. ("Research highlights" version of
STOC '09 paper.) Also: preprint and video.
- T. Roughgarden and E. Tardos,
Do Externalities Degrade GSP's Efficiency?, Ad Auctions '12.
- T. Roughgarden, The Price of Anarchy in Games of Incomplete Information, EC '12/TEAC '14.
(Related talk)
- T. Roughgarden, I. Talgam-Cohen, and Q. Yan,
Robust Auctions for Revenue
via Enhanced Competition, EC '12/OR '20. The conference version, with the title Supply-Limiting Mechanisms, has some additional results.
- I. Abraham, M. Babaioff, S. Dughmi, and T. Roughgarden,
Combinatorial Auctions with Restricted Complements, EC '12.
- S. Leonardi and T. Roughgarden,
Prior-Free Auctions with Ordered Bidders,
STOC '12.
Journal version, combined with EC '13 paper above (as of May '14).
- A. Badanidiyuru, S. Dobzinski, H. Fu, R. D. Kleinberg, N. Nisan
and T. Roughgarden, Sketching Valuation Functions, SODA '12.
- U. Nadav, R. Johari, and T. Roughgarden,
Uncoupled Potentials for Proportional Allocation Markets, CDC '11.
- S. Dughmi, T. Roughgarden, and Q. Yan,
Optimal Mechanisms for Combinatorial Auctions and Combinatorial Public Projects via Convex Rounding, STOC '11/JACM '16. (Lecture notes)
- K. Kollias and T. Roughgarden,
Restoring Pure Equilibria
to Weighted Congestion Games, ICALP '11/TEAC '15.
- R. Kumar, J. Talton, S. Ahmad, T. Roughgarden, and S. Klemmer,
Flexible Tree Matching,
IJCAI '11.
- K. Bhawalkar and T. Roughgarden,
Welfare Guarantees for Combinatorial Auctions with Item
Bidding, SODA '11.
(Related talk)
- T. Roughgarden and F. Schoppmann,
Local Smoothness and the Price of Anarchy in Splittable
Congestion Games, SODA '11/JET '14.
- U. Nadav and T. Roughgarden,
The Limits of Smoothness:
A Primal-Dual Framework for Price of Anarchy Bounds, WINE '10.
- J. Marden and T. Roughgarden,
Generalized Efficiency Bounds in Distributed Resource
Allocation, CDC '10/IEEE TAC '14.
- S. Dughmi and T. Roughgarden,
Black-Box Randomized Reductions in Algorithmic Mechanism Design, FOCS '10/SICOMP '14.
- T. Roughgarden, Algorithmic Game Theory,
Communications of the ACM, July 2010.
This is a revised and abridged version of the TCS '08 survey below.
- K. Bhawalkar, M. Gairing, and T. Roughgarden,
Weighted Congestion Games:
Price of Anarchy, Universal Worst-Case Examples, and Tightness, ESA '10/TEAC '14.
- P. Dhangwatnotai, T. Roughgarden, and Q. Yan,
Maximization with a Single Sample, EC '10/GEB '14.
- M. Babaioff and T. Roughgarden,
Equilibrium Efficiency and Price Complexity
in Sponsored Search Auctions, Workshop on Ad Auctions.
- A. Roth and T. Roughgarden,
Interactive Privacy via the Median Mechanism, STOC '10.
- T. Roughgarden, Computing Equilibria:
A Computational Complexity Perspective, invited survey
for Economic Theory.
- J. D. Hartline and T. Roughgarden,
Simple versus Optimal Mechanisms, EC '09.
(Related talk)
- S. Dughmi, T. Roughgarden, and M. Sundararajan,
Revenue Submodularity, EC '09/Theory of Computing '12.
- D. Mosk-Aoyama and T. Roughgarden, Worst-Case Efficiency Analysis of Queueing Disciplines, ICALP '09.
- T. Roughgarden, Intrinsic Robustness of the
Price of Anarchy, STOC '09/JACM '15. See also CACM version above.
(Related talk)
- A. Ghosh, T. Roughgarden, and M. Sundararajan,
Utility-Maximizing Privacy Mechanisms, STOC '09/SICOMP '12.
- A. Motskin, T. Roughgarden, P. Skraba, and L. Guibas,
Lightweight Coloring and Desynchronization for
Networks, INFOCOM '09.
- P. Dhangwatnotai, S. Dobzinski, S. Dughmi, and T. Roughgarden,
Truthful Approximation Schemes for
Single-Parameter Agents, FOCS '08/SICOMP '11.
- T. Roughgarden,
An Algorithmic Game Theory
Primer, TCS '08 (invited survey).
- J. D. Hartline and T. Roughgarden,
Optimal Mechanism Design
and Money Burning, STOC '08.
- S. Dobzinski, A. Mehta, T. Roughgarden, and M. Sundararajan,
Is Shapley Cost Sharing Optimal?,
SAGT '08/GEB '17.
- S. Chawla and T. Roughgarden,
Bertrand Competition in Networks, SAGT '08.
- H. Chen, T. Roughgarden, and G. Valiant,
Designing Networks with Good Equilibria, SODA '08/SICOMP '10.
- R. Krauthgamer and T. Roughgarden,
Metric Clustering via Consistent Labeling, SODA '09/Theory of Computing '11.
- N. Nisan, T. Roughgarden, E. Tardos, and V. V. Vazirani (eds.),
Algorithmic Game Theory, Cambridge University Press.
- T. Roughgarden,
Routing Games, Chapter 18
in Algorithmic Game Theory.
- T. Roughgarden and E. Tardos,
Introduction to the Inefficiency of Equilibria, Chapter 17
in Algorithmic Game Theory.
- D. Mosk-Aoyama, T. Roughgarden, and D. Shah,
Fully Distributed Algorithms for Convex Optimization,
DISC '07/SIAM J on Optimization '10.
- M. Haviv and T. Roughgarden,
The Price of Anarchy in an Exponential Multi-Server,
Operations Research Letters.
- T. Roughgarden,
Selfish Routing and the Price of Anarchy (Survey),
- T. Roughgarden and M. Sundararajan,
Optimal Efficiency Guarantees for Network Design Mechanisms, IPCO '07.
- A. Mehta, T. Roughgarden, and M. Sundararajan,
Beyond Moulin Mechanisms, EC '07/GEB '09.
- S. Chawla, T. Roughgarden, and M. Sundararajan,
Optimal Cost-Sharing Mechanisms for Steiner Forest Problems, WINE '06.
- S. Chawla and T. Roughgarden,
Single-Source Stochastic Routing, APPROX '06.
- T. Roughgarden,
Potential Functions and the Inefficiency of Equilibria (Survey), ICM '06.
- H. Chen and T. Roughgarden,
Network Design with Weighted Players, SPAA '06/Theory of Computing Systems '09.
- T. Roughgarden and M. Sundararajan,
Quantifying Inefficiency in Cost-Sharing Mechanisms, STOC '06/JACM '09.
- G. Valiant and T. Roughgarden,
Braess's Paradox in Large Random Graphs, EC '06/Random
Structures and Algorithms '10.
- R. Cole, Y. Dodis, and T. Roughgarden,
Bottleneck Links, Variable Demand, and the Tragedy of the
Commons, SODA '06/Networks '12.
- M. Saha, G. Sanchez-Ante, T. Roughgarden, and J.C. Latombe,
Planning Tours of Robotic Arms Among Partitioned Goals, International Journal of Robotics Research.
- T. Roughgarden.
Selfish Routing and the Price of Anarchy, MIT Press.
- M. Enachescu, Y. Ganjali, A. Goel, N. McKeown, and
T. Roughgarden,
Routers with Very Small Buffers,
ACM Computer Communication Review.
INFOCOM '06 version.
- H. Lin, T. Roughgarden, E. Tardos, and A. Walkover, Braess's Paradox, Fibonacci Numbers, and
Exponential Inapproximability, ICALP '05/SIDMA '11.
This is the full version with the new title Stronger Bounds on Braess's Paradox
and the Maximum Latency of Selfish Routing
and includes both SODA 04 papers below.
- T. Roughgarden, Selfish Routing with Atomic
Players, SODA '05.
- C. Papadimitriou and T. Roughgarden, Computing Correlated Equilibria in Multi-Player
Games, SODA '05/JACM '08.
- E. Anshelevich, A. Dasgupta, J. Kleinberg, E. Tardos,
T. Wexler, and T. Roughgarden, The Price
of Stability for Network Design
with Fair Cost Allocation, FOCS '04/SICOMP '08.
- T. Roughgarden and E. Tardos, Bounding the Inefficiency of Equilibria in
Nonatomic Congestion Games, Games and Economic Behavior.
- T. Roughgarden, The Maximum Latency of Selfish
Routing, SODA '04.
- H. Lin, T. Roughgarden, and E. Tardos,
A Stronger Bound on Braess's
Paradox, SODA '04.
- Journal version of these two SODA
papers, combined with the ICALP '05 paper above, appeared in SIDMA '11.
- A. Gupta, A. Kumar, M. Pal, and T. Roughgarden, Approximation Via Cost Sharing, FOCS '03.
- A. Gupta, A. Kumar, and T. Roughgarden,
Simpler and Better
Approximation Algorithms for
Network Design, STOC '03.
(Full version combined with FOCS '03 paper, above.)
- R. Cole, Y. Dodis, and T. Roughgarden, Pricing Network Edges for Heterogeneous Selfish Users, STOC '03.
- R. Cole, Y. Dodis, and T. Roughgarden, How Much Can Taxes Help Selfish
Routing?, EC '03/JCSS '06.
Survey of EC '03 and STOC '03 pricing papers, presented at P2PECON '03.
- T. Roughgarden,
Selfish Routing, PhD Thesis,
Cornell University.
- A. Kumar, A. Gupta, and T. Roughgarden,
A Constant-Factor Approximation
Algorithm for
the Multicommodity Rent-or-Buy Problem, FOCS '02.
- No journal version of this paper is planned, although the algorithm
and analysis were simplified and extended in a STOC
'09 paper of Gupta and Kumar.
- T. Roughgarden,
The Price of Anarchy is Independent
of the Network Topology, STOC '02/JCSS '03.
- A. Hoffman, K. Jenkins, and T. Roughgarden,
On a Game in Directed Graphs, IPL '02.
- T. Roughgarden,
How Unfair is Optimal
Routing?, SODA '02.